Free Bridge Game Classes in Wolli Creek

If you love to play or want to learn bridge game, you can join the free classes in Wolli Creek. Venue: Community room, level 2, Linc Building, Wolli Creek Time: Saturday at 3PM or Sunday at 5PM Cost: Free Contact: Please email to check session times. You don’t have to have played card games[…]

Wolli Creek community garden is coming soon!

For Wolli Creek locals who love gardening this is a very exciting news! Just saw this posted in the lift. COMMUNITY GARDEN Want to be part of planning, building, maintaining, and harvesting a community garden? Find out more Email: If you are interested, please feel free to drop them an email.

2016 Wolli Creek (Discovery Point) Christmas Concert

Officially from Discovery Point this year’s Christmas activities will take place on Saturday December 17, from 5pm to 9pm. The carols and live music will happen in the courtyards of St Magdalen’s Chapel and Tempe House this year (instead of the park). There will be different performances from 5pm all the way through to 9pm.